Saturday, August 30, 2008

Marketing Chaos

Basic succeed in the final achievement in marketing strategy for final results, really depends on the character of top management in a company where you work for. The problems working as middle management as to find resolutions between top management of corporate and realizing the market war games in the field are not easy. Sometimes when you have a supervisor or superior that was too long sitting in a comfort zone, that is absent in daily sales and marketing strategy in fields, persist in the opinion to do his way to their subordinate without even asking the opinion is a blunder.

What happens if the strategy of top management fails and deviates in 60% off target, first it is not going to save any one forecast, and getting back on the right track is also not easy, with the calculation of the competition as they keep pressing the market share.

To obtain market strategy in any business, it does not matter whether it is home business, home based business and internet marketing. What you need to do is consolidate with top, middle and lower management with full effort on detail how to tackle the competition, and not just quick and split decisions with high margin of errors. Or they often call it a fire fighting management; do you know what that terminology is? Yes , where you see a fire in certain spot you just go there and try to put it off, this kind of exercise will not work on any level of strategy either it is for marketing, operation even project management.

The executive director is responsible in balancing between market strategy, financial strategy and operation.

The essence of these 3 key elements will occur in failure if the overall management is lacking experience in exercising and the corporate is working insufficient by the terms of incompetence attitude.

The punishment will happens to company by suffering in chaotic environments at work place and target achievements is bound to fail 80%, more over the spirit of the employee will be demoted.

We all learned from very bad experience and not making the same mistake, if the errors was repeated, top management will get the blame or try to get an escape goat.

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