Sunday, January 18, 2009

Internet Marketing

Internet marketing these days becomes very competitive in terms of getting quality traffic, I have 2 other blogs in health and property investment and it took me a while to get traffic.

One way is writing quality content as you may all know, the other is getting traffic from social bookmarking, these days I have not get good result from social bookmarking so I change my strategy to making comments to blog that have PR3 and above, after doing it for a few days I received quality links from other blogs that has help me to be linked to search engine.

If you want to get good links please make comments to,, and other top bloggers, I guarantee you will have at least steady traffic.

Persistence in blogging is very serious in my other health site less than 4months I have reach alexa rank 300K, yet only to found that small income I have made, disappointed by these results of course, but as the old saying you just have to keep moving until you succeed or change the niche.Not every blogger orInternet Marketer will succeed in less than a year, but many succeed in 6 month, it seems my path to succeed still not yet accomplished.

I hope my reader are tough enough to know that this business is fierce, once you don't update you will be cast away.

Before I go if you want to check your status of your blogs, pleaseuse, it's reliable and not exagerrating.

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